Cushion Flooring
Cushion flooring is considered a practical, easy and durable
way to make your floors cleaner and look more colourful than before. It is also suitable for any room and you can
find a variety of designs for your home. If you choose to use cushioned flooring on your floor you'll find that
this choice is the best, since it offers many beautiful collections that will look real like wood, marble, ceramic
or even stone. The best part is that is it very easy to install, requires little maintenance and can be installed

By using your imagination you'll be able to create all the designs
you've ever wanted by mixing colours and designs with the variety of colours, textures and designs available. Since
it is made out of durable materials, it is comfortable to walk and stand on as well and you'll have the same
feeling as if you are standing on firm ground.
When you decide to choose cushion flooring, you'll find that there
are many types in the stores. So to make it easier for you, we have listed some types of floorings for your
1. Vinyl flooring -This is considered one of the most popular kinds of flooring and is available in many styles and
colours. They are comfortable, durable, easy to clean, stain resistant, waterproof and easy to maintain. This type
can be installed over hard, solid ground.
2. Rubber
flooring This one is famous on the commercial side.
Since it is cheap, water proof and easy to clean, it is the most used type of flooring in sport
3. Cork
Flooring This is a friendly alternative since it is very
soft and anti-microbial. However, it is not suitable for damp areas or rooms such as bathrooms and
On the other hand, cushion flooring is a wise choice to use at homes. For
those who have children, it is very safe for playing on and comfortable as well. It is considered a thick carpet
but has some disadvantages. It can tear easily and get stained. Therefore, it is better to choose Vinyl flooring
since it comes in bright colours and soft padded surfaces that is a safer choice for your kids.
Finally, cushioned flooring prove to be the easiest and most stylish selection of
all. They come in a variety of colours and designs to make it easier for you to choose whatever you like according
to your home decoration.